
Beck Funeral Home

Springettsbury Township, York County, PA

  • 2.1 acre site
  • 8,500 SF building footprint
  • Zoned: C-H, Commercial Highway

Beck Funeral Home, a York County business for over a 130 years, wanted to bring their services to Springettsbury Township to better serve their clients. Chris Beck, President of Beck Funeral Home, engaged SDC to assist in the design and permitting of the new 8,500 sf facility. The design not only took municipal requirements into consideration, but prioritized a welcoming site layout for its patrons including accessible parking and covered drop off areas. SDC also consulted with Beck Funeral Home to obtain a zoning variance to reduce the amount of parking required to maximize green space surrounding Beck’s facility.

The Site, which formerly housed a drive-in theater, was underlain by marginal soils and required design of shallow stone beds to manage infiltration. SDC’s stormwater design also utilized subsurface infiltration beds to maximize developable area and reduce impacts to the stream on the west side of the site.

The result is a functional and inviting design that reflects the values of the award-winning Beck Funeral Home.

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